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Welcome to Barenys.com
Benvingut a Barenys.com
Bienvenidos a Barenys.com

This page is pretty much under permanent construction. The most recent development has been moving to a server that is not part of my ISP. Some day I hope to get some of the Barenys' family information on here.
For the time being I think that I will just have some links to web pages and e-mail address of some of the Barenys' family members that are out there.
Because I am not going to put specific personal information on here, without explicitly being asked, the list of links is very likely going to be rather short. If you would like to be added to the list drop me a note, at john @ barenys.com, and I will be glad to add your page/e-mail to the list.
Also, here's a picture of most of the Barenys family that is directly related to me...
Thanks for stopping by,
-John Barenys
Page last updated: 19-May-2007 by J. Barenys
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